Funky Focus | Chaturanga and The Bramaviharas


Our fresh Funky Focus is all about how we can make Chaturangas accessible for our bodies.

In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, Chaturanga Dandasana translates to Four Limb Staff Pose (Chatur = Four, Anga = Limb, Danda = Staff/Spine, Asana = Pose.) You’re probably familiar with Seated Staff Pose!
Chaturanga is a full body strengthener, utilizing each major muscle group, but can also be an incredible space-creator and spine lengthener!

We most commonly practice Chaturangas as a transitional Asana between high plank and Cobra/Updog- but did you know there are sooo many ways to utilize this transition? Consider playing with a knees-down variation, offering your upper-half new strength through a more stable foundation.
This wonderful pose is a great teacher of balance in strength and surrender; as we find concentration in more physically demanding poses, we have an opportunity to listen carefully to our bodies and learn to support them! Though Chaturangas are designed to create strength in our bodies, the essence of the pose, and yoga, is more focused on flowing through challenges- we do this on and off the mat with support; we encourage you to find that support anywhere that makes sense in your practice.

If you’d like to dive deeper, here are some great resources:

Funky Buddha Yoga FUNdamentals: Chaturanga and Sun A

Funky Buddha Yoga breakdown of High to Low Plank, using Chaturanga variations

Chaturanga Modifications and Props for Larger Bodies from Body Positive Yoga


The Bramaviharas

Our Meditation Focus this month is The Bramaviharas: 4 mind-states that we can cultivate to add more joy, peace, ease, and resilience to our lives. These 4 qualities are lovingkindness, compassion, reciprocal joy, and equanimity.

Lovingkindness, Metta, is defined as tenderness and consideration toward yourself and others. Compassion, Karuna, is the concern for the “sufferings” of others, as well as your own. Reciprocal Joy, Mudita, is an inner wellspring of joy, extended to all beings. Finally, Equanimity, or Upekkha, is a mental calmness and evenness of temper, especially in difficulty.

Each one alone can bring balance and more happiness to our lives, but together they are even more powerful!!  It is a tender and resilient power that allows us to have more empathy for others, more grace for ourselves, and brings us to our most centered and vibrant selves.

We invite you to check out our Youtube for an overview of these concepts or a meditation practice to try them out <3 As always, we hope that you join us M-F at 7:30am for free, live, virtual meditation to bring these concepts to life. 

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