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Join us for two immersive days of yoga bliss!

This is a great way to kick-off your #GYPChallenge, as each session counts for 3 classes!

Day One: Friday, May 3rd – 6-8:30p | Myofascial Releasing with Jen

The first part of this immersion workshop is allllll about taking care of your body, which cares for your mind too! You’ll learn how to use tools like a tennis ball, a block, and your own hands to move tension out of your body, and you might discover places in your body you didn’t even know needed releasing. We’ll warm up with fun yoga movements, spend most of our time working out body tension, and end with a nice long savasana. 

If you’ve taken a self-myofascial session with us before, we invite you again! Jen always has some amazing tips to share, and the main goal of this is the care and tending you may receive as you roll away tension from your amazing earth home, your body. 

Join us for a great warm up, a nice long tension releasing session for your body, and rest and restoration for your mind. This is for YOU! <3 

Day Two: Saturday, May 4th – 12:30-3p | Change Your Perspective: Inversion Edition

For our second Immersion day, we’re flipping into Inversion play! How fun! Going upside-down is good for our blood circulation and lymphatic system, builds strength and coordination in our muscles, strengthens our vestibular system, and has many other benefits. 

We will flow, explore, and learn the necessities to gain more confidence in including inversions in your practice.  

Wherever you are on your yoga journey, this workshop is for you! Those of you that feel confident in your inversions will have an opportunity to dial in to some of the nuances of your favorite gravity-defying poses and learn some new skills to take your flying to the next level. 

Get ready to breathe, move safely and confidently, take a foot (or feet!) off the ground, and have a blast.

We’ll follow up this fun upside-down play with a gentle, guided meditation to allow your new perspectives to settle in your muscle memory. Ending with deep rest, in savasana, will round out our afternoon of yoga. We can’t wait to share and grow with you! 🙂 

This Immersion Weekend is $39 per session, full weekend $69 for members; $49 per session, full weekend $89 for nonmembers.

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