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30 Classes; 30 Days; 30 Gold Stars!

We invite you join us for a wonderful opportunity to grow your practice! They say consistency is key and the Funky Buddha Yoga’s May Grow Your Practice Challenge is the perfect opportunity to jumpstart, or recommit, to your mat <3

Beginning May 1st-May 30th, take 30 in-studio classes, or live virtual meditations, to be entered to win weekly giveaways, an awesome tee shirt, and of course the grand prize: a FREE 3-month Unlimited Membership!

Worried you’ll miss a day? Fret not! You may take up to two classes (or meditations) per day to count towards your total 30 classes!

This challenge is FREE! Simply be sure to have a package for your classes! Sign up is now open until May 5th.

Don’t have a class package or membership?

We’ve got you! Check out our Challenge BOGO Pass, buy May and we’ll gift you June free! Woot Woot!


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