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We invite you to come get familiar with our spaces, and Funky Foundations is a great place to start!

This class is designed for folks who are new, or newer, to yoga (or to Funky Buddha,) though no matter your experience level, we invite you to join us and build the foundation of your yoga practice.

In this class, we’ll go over:

  • Movements and foundational postures you’ll experience in our Funky Buddha Yoga studios.
  • Best Practices for building your yoga practice.
  • Funky tips on next steps and setting yourself up for success!

Our experienced teachers will get you moving and flowing with our community, in our warm and welcoming spaces. We’ll save time for any questions (but, of course, no pressure to ask) and invite in lots of fun and play!

Whether you’re looking for a beginner-celebrated yoga class or would like to deepen your practice by going back to the foundation, we invite you to look for Funky Foundations at the beginning of each month!

Holland: December 7th, at 12:00pm
Eastown: December 8th, at 1:30pm 

We can’t wait to meet you and support your yoga practice!


Offered for just $10!

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