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We’re so excited to begin our 6-week, intentionally curated program- designed to support you in self-exploration as you uncover how to live most authentically.

Through a carefully constructed workbook, weekly communal learning, and daily personalized emails, 40 Days will support you in reflection, habit building, tool resourcing, and so much more.This intentional inner work deeply entwines with our yoga practices and may allow you to dive deeper both on and off the mat <3


40 Days is perfectly nestled after the new year, giving you space through the holidays and an opportunity for fresh perspective! 


Our group connection dates/times are as follows:


January 7th, 7-9pm: In-Person Program Start!

January 14th, 7-9pm: Zoom

January 21, 7-9pm: Zoom

January 28th, 7-9pm: Zoom

February 4th, 7-9pm: Zoom

February 11th, TBD: In-Person Celebration!

All meetings are recorded and sent to your inbox the following day alongside all new learning material.

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