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Join us in 21 Days focused on fostering appreciation and kindly inviting presence!

Beginning November 1st, 21 Days of Gratitude and Meditation is a self-led opportunity to create a habit of gratitude as we head into the bustling holiday season.

How it Works:
  1. Pick up your Gratitude Card/Practice Tracker from your favorite studio
  2. Follow us on socials, where a new photo prompt is posted to our stories each day at 7:45am (after Morning Meditation)
  3. Dig through your albums or snap a photo (you may choose to follow the prompt, or go rogue with gratitude!)
  4. Share your photo to your story with the hashtag #Funky21Days and be sure to tag us!
  5. Join us M-F at 7:30am for FREE, Virtual Meditations!

Each meditation check-in, or photo shared, counts as one entry to win the Gratitude Basket. That’s up to two entries per day!

Practiced gratitude even once through 21 Days? Amazing! We’ll have a custom gratitude sticker just for you!

Basket winner will be contacted and announced via our socials on November 25th!

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