6 Lessons of Cat Wisdom

A Few Teachings from our Furry Meditation Friends

Written by Larissa

I hear from many of you that you love to hear the kitties in the background during morning meditations, so I thought I would introduce these little teachers!

Number 2 (our 2nd cat, and named in honor of our first cat, Poopy; longer story on that name 🙂 is the guy you hear and see most often; with the beautiful, brown kitty-mullet. Dougie is the floofy, creamy, silly, rambunctious, puffball.

I not only wanted to share my joy in them, but also speak a little about their profound wisdom- a completely different kind of intelligence than our own. 

These babies teach me every day about the importance of presence, connection, play, active rest, patience, and disciplined effort. They remind me to enjoy sunbeams, observe nature, sleep in the rain, eat when you’re hungry, run when you have energy, and follow your own rhythms.


1. They know their needs and aren’t afraid to ask for them to be met.

Number 2 knows when I’m not giving him 100% of my attention, and he then asks me for it. He knows his needs and isn’t afraid to ask for them to be met. He trusts how much I love him, and never fears he’s asking for too much. 

Dougie “brrrrs” when he wants treats, “purrrrrrrs” when he wants snugs, and saves up the big “rrrrrrrrrEOWs” for sharing his frustration that I’m still in bed on a sunny day when there are birds to watch!

When they are frustrated, they ask for comfort. When they are mad, they let me know, so I can tend to their needs. They remind me, that we all have needs and that does not make us a burden. It’s actually the opposite; it’s a privilege and a joy for me to meet their needs. I love to support them, just as others love to support you.


2. They remind me that all feelings are valid and are simply asking to be felt.

They’ve never hidden a feeling or a need, and I believe that’s one of their greatest teachings. We humans are feeling creatures and often I try to intellectualize the feeling, instead of just feeling it. I dissect, make pros and cons lists, phone a friend; these are good tools, so I don’t implode or explode my feelings. These kitties remind me that the simplest tool is to feel actually and fully, without apology. When I am expressing upset, they snuggle me, or remind me to play even when I’m sad; Number 2 will try to climb my leg to nuzzle my neck when I’m crying, and Dougie will bring me his favorite flamingo and throw it in the air to make me laugh. They show me every day that sorrow and joy exist in the same moment, all the time. 


3. They are secure in themselves and do not compare.

Number two is never afraid he’s too much, or not enough. He doesn’t love meeting new people but has never apologized for being anti-social or needing space. He’s exactly as he is, and never apologizes for it.

Dougie runs, plays, and makes wild sounds as he zooms about and leap-frogs over Number 2. He’ll also lay down and take a nap, right in the middle of a play session. He doesn’t compare himself to Number 2‘s snuggly nature, nor apologize for running out of steam.


4. They know discipline and patience within growth and learning.

I get to watch these sweet teachers show me that growth and learning is fun, and takes a quiet discipline and patience to learn deeply. They can sit for hours and watch a cardinal move and sing. Number 2 learned how to sit for treats (yes, you CAN train a cat!) because he’s disciplined around what’s important to him; Dougie taught himself parkour and never cared how many times he flopped on his back before he learned to ricochet his feet off the wall.


5. They balance ease and pleasure.

They teach me about the importance of ease and pleasure; they’ll purr in a sunbeam for an entire afternoon, resting, with the wisdom of taking care of their body- and mostly just enjoying the simplicity of warmth. Some days they’ll eat 6 snacks before dinner time, and other days none at all. Ease and pleasure, no fear of trying to “do it right.”


6. They know caution, without holding fear.

They teach me to be cautious and to deeply listen, but not to hold onto fear. The moment they realize they are safe, they do a little shake or make a noise to release any tension, and they are right back to the present moment.

(We did have a “hat monster” incident several years ago that took a little longer to recover from, but once Number 2 figured out the “monster” was my partner, he sat on that hat like he owned it. Cat wisdom, conquer your fears!)

These 2 little teachers inform me in so many ways. Then I take their teachings into my meditation practice, so I can integrate these experiences to my own; that way I don’t forget the lessons in times of stress.

That’s what these babes have taught me the most; take time to rest, play, and LOVE, so my body knows that comfort and safety when life comes at me with its many layers of difficulty. They’ve taught me resiliency and love, and I believe these 2 things will change all of our lives for the better. 


Now I practice, to keep integrating this skill of resilience so I can grow, learn, and lean tenderly into life’s difficult moments- and ultimately be free to receive the love that’s always been here. 

I hope you can take a moment to reflect on the creatures who’ve taught you something (human, furry, trees, waters and all) and ask yourself,what wisdom can I learn from simply watching them be themselves?”

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